Gongzilla Photos


Gongzilla Press Photos

Low & Hi Resolution (for print)




Nothing To Declare Tour USA / Japan
East Village Sessions
Save The City Tour 2003 USA

Chronic Tour 2002 Europe

Québec Summer Festival

(where the GZ LIVE! CD was recorded)


Latest misc. shots...



Jameison Ledonio - Gongzilla

Jamesion Ledonio - Gongzilla


Dante - NYC

The LoLo Building in Roxobel, NC

LoLo Mobile

The LoLo Mobile

Bon Lozaga of Gongzilla guesting with moe.

Chuck Garvey and Jim Loughlin of moe. guesting with Gongzilla at the HOB (7/06)

Outer Banks Brewing Station, NC

Ben Arnold and Bon Lozaga at the Tribeca Grand, NYC.